p2 impact > Infectious Diseases > Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response for Punjab

Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response for Punjab

The team at P2impact led the design of integrated disease surveillance and response (IDSR) program for the Punjab Public Health Agency in 2017. This entailed detailed scoping and mapping of all the infectious diseases vertical programs in the province including AIDS Control Program, Hepatitis Control Program, CDC, EPI and Polio, TB DOT, NCD Program, their human resource mapping in particular, the data flows, information management systems, recording and reporting, to establish a comprehensive understanding of the systems in place, before designing an integrated surveillance system for communicable and non-communicable diseases in Punjab.

The final design for the IDSR division at the PPHA was developed after extensive consultations with over a hundred stakeholders, subject experts and program representatives.

Project details

Client name:
Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department, Government of Punjab, Pakistan
Lahore, Pakistan
Technical Lead:
Dr Shabnum Sarfraz
Infectious Disease Control & Management, Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response
  • Government
  • Others
  • Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department
  • Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department
  • Directorate General of Health Services
  • Punjab Information Technology Board
  • Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI)
  • Polio Eradication Initiative PEI Program
  • Punjab Hepatitis Control Program
  • TB Control Program Punjab
  • World Health Organization (WHO)