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Mainstreaming vulnerabilities
amidst COVID19

About P2i Associates

Our Story

P2impact is a policy think tank, generating evidence and informing policies for addressing priority development challenges confronting Pakistan.

P2impact brings health researchers, creative public health professionals and multi-disciplinary interest groups together to work as a collaborative team, using data, knowledge and scientific expertise for narrating a story about population’s health and social well-being. It promotes partnerships and networking for co-productions and advocacy to achieve sustainable development goals

Business data analysis graph

We succeed every time we see our initiatives translating into government reforms and policy actions, beyond planning and strategy documents.

Qualified Specialists

Over 80 years of cumulative multi-disciplinary experience in development sector in over 20 countries with well-known expertise in diverse domains

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Sectoral Experiences

Established track record of working with public, private sector and varied international donors and development partners in health, education and social sector

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Functional Strengths

Extensive experience in research, monitoring, evaluation and reporting, organizational learning, futuristic thinking, policy planning and strategy development

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Network of Networks

Long-standing relationships with networks of government organizations, NGOs, academicians, development partners and practitioners

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In the Numbers

80+ years of cumulative experience

Technical Assignments
Policy Dialogues conducted
Stakeholders Engaged
Reports Developed