P2i has extensive experience in undertaking large complex evaluation studies for government and international development partners. This included designing, managing and conducting baseline studies, mid-term performance evaluations as well as end-line summative evaluations and impact estimations. Our senior experts undertook national evaluation study for the MNCH Program for the Federal Ministry; quarterly performance monitoring, annual client exit surveys, mid-term and end term evaluation and impact estimations for multiple donors. For their evaluation studies P2i has rich experience using DAC-OECD criteria while using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.
The team has proven ability to manage large data sets and have written internationally peer reviewed research and evaluation reports for several development partners which complied with their approved reporting formats and standards. For our evaluations we adopt a participatory/collaborative approach engaging stakeholders in the evaluation process, so they may better understand the program being evaluated and ultimately use the evaluation findings for decision-making. The team has led M&E forums of experts for impact evaluation for donors as well as the local government-funded reforms.